Hi Arika,
Dude came to us over a year ago now. He was a puppy in the litter born on February 12th to Ruger and Goldie. He is full grown now and weighs 32 lbs. His coat is very much like most of the other dogs pictured on your website and he really does not shed much at all. He is such a sweet guy, really wanting to please everyone. He is so playful and fun. Our three kids adore him and they all are taking part in the responsibilities of caring for him. We have taken him to both a beginners and an intermediate training coarse in which he did very well in both. He is well behaved, obedient, and quite athletic and agile. He loves to fetch, ( he is quite speedy as he chases a ball), chew on his toys, and his favorite thing is to have his tummy scratched. Dude is just a great animal who has surpassed all our expectations for our family pet. He is completely cute, smart, sweet, agreeable, tolerant, playful, gentle, and so loving. Here is a recent photo of our guy. Thanks for sending us such a wonderful addition to our family.
The Levy Family-River Forest, Illinois