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Princeton–AKC Miniature Poodle
“Princeton” is a Miniature Poodle father for our puppies.
He is about 12” tall and a beautiful white/cream color, he is a calm, sweet, boy who loves to be held and is very smart and playful.

“Eklipse” AKC Golden Retriever
A smaller girl, very athletic, and loving– 55 pounds
Here is our “big” girl! This was taken last week! She is the joy of our life! We cannot go anywhere without people stopping to look, admire and play still! And often it’s the same people adoring her over and over again! We cannot believe it’s been a year??? We cannot imagine our lives without her! Now that the leaves are starting to fall it reminds us that a year ago we were blessed with her! Thank you soooo much Arika! As you know when the time is finally right we will be getting another pup to join her!!! Is it that time yet???? We cannot wait!!!!
Cathy, Paul and Shea–NY
Hi Arika,
Bailey or your puppy name, Tula (which she still knows by the way) she is a great dog and a healthy dog – skinny still. She has lots of personality and spunk. She loves to cuddle all the time and wrap herself around you day and night.She still loves to be held like a baby over your shoulder…from your daughter carrying her that way as a pup.We were walking her last summer and we had someone stop us on our walk and asked us about her. They asked us a bunch of questions about her and offered to buy her ….we had to decline and tell them she wasn’t for sale.People love her tiny size. She looks very different than the typical doodle dog like Boomer is the poster dog for the doodle looking dog. We love her and she gives us lots of enjoyment even though she keeps eating the starfish ornaments off our tree! ha-ha
Have a great new year and take care,
Hi Arika, we purchased Chevy from you in April. He is from Ruger and Goldie’s breed of very petite minis. We are truly in love with Chevy, he has been such a blessing to us. I am including a picture for you. I was wondering if you plan to breed these two dogs again as we may consider getting a companion for Chevy but I would want it to be on the smaller side like he is. Please let me know if and when you might be breeding them again.
IKE – Paddy and Chester
Pictured with his litter mate that is with their sister
We brought “Ike” home when he was 11 weeks old, I had been corresponding with Arika for about a month who willing answered the many questions I had – it was a pleasure to work with Mountain Doodles!
We loved him at first sight! He spent the next 5 hours riding on our laps in the car, just snuggling us. We have a 7 year old golden retriever at home and were worried about his reaction. Ike immediately followed him around and within a day or two they were fast friends.
He knew his name at the end of the first day! At 13 weeks, Ike is exactly the kind of dog we wanted! He is so playful and smart! We are failures at crate training, but he seems to be mostly potty trained with an occasional accident, if we don’t remind him! He spends most of his day with us and really likes being out in the yard. He is really good about laying on his bed when he needs to relax during the day.
He lives to chew and play, and has made friends with every dog he meets, including all the big dogs. He does take a little bit more effort to keep brushed, because he loves to run through the tall grass and dig in the mud. His coat is very curly and soft, he looks exactly like a little teddy bear. His Vet recently commented about how “perfect” he was and we couldn’t agree more! We will begin puppy obedience training soon and hope that Ike has some “service” dog training within the next year.
The Nichols Family, Helena, MT
Montana and Morgan
Both from Mountain Doodles
From Paddy and Chester
Both Montana and Morgan are the perfect examples of mans best friend. They are loving, playful, gentle, and the envy of the neighborhood. We cannot walk down the street without someone asking about these 2 incredible dogs. They are the perfect size, disposition. They don’t shed, and are just love on four legs.
The kids do everything with them, form playing on the trampoline to swimming.
Thank you for such wonderful additions to our family.
Hi Arika,
“Jersey Girl” was born on February 12th, 2008. Her parents are Ruger M77 and Dollys Golden Jewel. She is a great dog. She loves to play, run and walk with her family, visit with her grand parents, and her friends, Cooper and Willie. She gets along with all people and pets and is a fast learner. She attended school and passed with flying colors. Her coat is black with an auburn muzzle and a few strands of grey. Very cute. She weighs 22 pounds and she sheds very little. I can pick her up wearing a white shirt and have not dog hair after putting her down.
Jersey is a joy and she has been an amazing addition to our family.
The Adams Family-Michigan
More pics of Jersey:
Poppy—-From Paddy and Chester
Hi Arika,
It has been far too long since I have written. Poppy is growing up before our very eyes. We had her spayed 2 weeks ago, and she has recovered well. She is so smart and sweet. She is learning new tricks. She likes shake and roll over, and is learning peek-a-boo. I swear she knows what I’m saying when I talk to her. The only thing she’s not crazy about doing is coming when called outdoors. She comes close by, but she just doesn’t want to go back inside. I can’t blame her. We just need to work on it; it is totally up to us to do more training.She still sleeps in her crate most nights. Sometimes she will sleep upstairs with one of the girls if they are feeling scared. She has several dog friends in the neighborhood, and she plays with them regularly. When I go out during the day, I have been taking her with me. It is getting warmer now, so I can’t leave her in the car. I leave her in the kitchen and she is just fine. She doesn’t chew a thing; she is so sweet. Pretty soon we’ll be able to leave her in a larger area. We have a lot of French doors, so she can see out into the garden even when she is inside. All of the cats in the neighborhood drive her a bit crazy and she does bark quite a bit. I’m sure she’ll quiet down as she gets a bit older. She does not like the broom, shovel or rake either, and barks every time I try to do yard work!?We are just delighted with her. Thank you! I will send a photo to you very soon. I just don’t have a recent one on my computer. They are all on my phone. She is 18.2 pounds at 7 months. She is very tall and lean. She isn’t very motivated by food unless it is meat or some other treat. Hope this isn’t too much information. I just thought I’d share with you, because I can tell that you really loved her until you sent her to us.
More pics of Poppy:
Hi Arika,
Dude came to us over a year ago now. He was a puppy in the litter born on February 12th to Ruger and Goldie. He is full grown now and weighs 32 lbs. His coat is very much like most of the other dogs pictured on your website and he really does not shed much at all. He is such a sweet guy, really wanting to please everyone. He is so playful and fun. Our three kids adore him and they all are taking part in the responsibilities of caring for him. We have taken him to both a beginners and an intermediate training coarse in which he did very well in both. He is well behaved, obedient, and quite athletic and agile. He loves to fetch, ( he is quite speedy as he chases a ball), chew on his toys, and his favorite thing is to have his tummy scratched. Dude is just a great animal who has surpassed all our expectations for our family pet. He is completely cute, smart, sweet, agreeable, tolerant, playful, gentle, and so loving. Here is a recent photo of our guy. Thanks for sending us such a wonderful addition to our family.
The Levy Family-River Forest, Illinois
Gatsby—-From Paddy and Chester
We couldn’t be happier with our miniature goldendoodle “Gatsby”. She arrived at our home when she was 8 weeks old and was so precious! She has the friendliest personality and loves being around people. She is cuddly, extremely playful (never is without her tennis ball), loving, and VERY smart. She is much smaller than we expected, weighing in at 27lbs, and we have come to LOVE her size. Another great characteristic is that she does not shed! I may find 2 or 3 hairs on my clothing if I give her a hug, but other than that we never notice any hair loss.
Now Gatsby is one year and two months old and she is as playful as ever. She gets attention everywhere we go with people in awe about how adorable and beautiful she is.
She is a fantastic family dog and we are so happy she is apart of our family.
The Henricks Family, Menlo Park, Ca
More Pics of Gatsby:
Cady—-From Paddy and Chester
Maisy —-from Ruger and Goldie
Hello. Here is a picture of Maisy enjoying the snow. She has been a great addition to our family. She is a smart dog and lots of fun. She stays with us if we’re walking in the woods or hanging out in the front yard. She seems to have a natural tendency to want to stay with her family, especially our two girls. She loves kids! We have her groomed every other month or so and brush her at least once per week. Her coat is super soft and everyone comments on how cute she is. She is our little teddy bear. We love her small size at about 14 pounds. She loves to sit on the back of the couch or our laps. She loves to be held and carried around if your willing. She loves car rides, preferring the front seat. She doesn’t shed which we love and she isn’t a stinky dog. It is easy to exercise her. She loves walks but she will also go on a running fit every evening around the yard and through the house. We all laugh as she goes crazy for a bit and then lies down and tha! t’s it. She’s 1 1/2 and very happy and healthy! So are we! Thanks MountainDoodle!
Maisy’s family in Everett, WA
When I first saw a mini goldendoodle in the dog park I was facinated at the temperement and good looks. I inquired with the owner and they gave me the phone number and name of where they had got her. We had just lost our older dog and our other dog, a male Standard Poodle was going through withdrawl, I spoke with Arika and I described the poodles personality and with that information she selected the match. Our sweet “Niko” is a perfect fit for the family, and provides us with continuous enjoyment. great size
Thank you Arika!
Dave and Rose from Renton, WA.
Scout – from Shastina and Chester
Hi Arika,
Our puppy from the litter of Shastina and Chester arrived safe and sound from his plane trip all the way up to Kodiak, Alaska. “Scout” is 18 months old now and weighs about 40 lbs. We trim him every 3 months or so. He stays cleaner that way. Scout is always willing to let us trim, bath, cut nails – anything. His shedding is minimal especially if I keep him trimmed and brushed occasionally – and it’s not really “shedding” as you would think of (seasonal, and tons of clumps). It’s more the way people normally lose occasional hairs.
We took him to dog obedience classes when he was just a puppy and he passed with flying colors – in fact he was the youngest dog on Kodiak ever to receive the Good Canine Citizenship Certificate. He lives to please us. He is even obedient to our 3 year old’s whimsical commands; he loves kids and happily takes their craziness. Scout loves the water and will do almost anything to play fetch with a ball.
The weather doesn’t bother him (He especially loves the snow). He’s ready to go anytime we are and yet is content to curl up and be still if that’s what we’re doing. Just to be near us – he wants that the most.He has truly become a member of the family and travels everywhere with us. People are always amazed at how well behaved he is. He is by far the best dog we’ve ever known and is perfect for our 3 young boys. We love our goldendoodle – Thanks for being willing to send him to us.
More pics of Scout:
Louie – From Ruger and Goldie
Dear Arika,
This is the story of “Louie Low Rider”…
He was born to Ruger and Goldie on February 12th, 2008, and flew into my arms via Alaska Airlines nine weeks later.
I was a little scared to get a smaller dog, having had Golden Retrievers for many years, but my fears went away the first minute I held Louie!
He has an incredibly soft curly coat, that we keep trimmed fairly short, because we go to the beach a lot, and he is a tremendous swimmer. He started out being very red, and then as he matured he turned mostly white. The top of his head turned completely white, but retained some of the red around his eyes and on his ears. Now he has shifted back to having red hair returning, so he appears an apricot color. His fully-grown weight is approximately 26 pounds and he is lean and strong.
Louie is very smart, and alert, he retrieves very well, and has the personality that exudes happiness and joy! He loves everyone, and every dog that will play with him. He loves a good walk everyday, is very calm when inside the house, unless play ensues- by us, and he loves to snuggle.
We really feel like we got the best of both worlds with Louie! He patiently waits to go for his walk and play, has an amazingly entertaining personality, and is sweet and loving! He even enjoys draping across my shoulders and riding there.
We truly couldn’t be happier with our Mini Doodle Louie!
Thanks so much, for our amazing dog!
The Wood Family,
Bainbridge Island, WA
More pics of Louie:
Bella-From Shastina and Chester
Hi Arika!
Bella turned 1 year old on August 30. She is a very happy puppy and loves her family very much. She likes to know what everyone is doing in the house, and will rotate around the house, staying for awhile with one person, then moving on to check in with someone else in the house. She loves to play fetch and go on walks. She sheds a little, but nothing like a Golden Retriever! She has always been a calm dog, many people have been surprised to find out that she is a puppy. She’s very healthy and hasn’t had any of the typical puppy issues I have heard about. She sometimes will chew up something, small children’s toys…but nothing like other puppies I’ve seen! We all are convinced that she is the best puppy in the whole world!
Spangler family in Seattle, WA
From Goldie and Chester
Dear Arika,
Rocket – from Chester and Goldie. Born 9/3/08. He is now over a year, fully grown and very handsome. Whenever we walk him we get lots of questions about him. People love his tail. He and our other dog, Sammy (a Cockapoo who will be 3 in December) now weigh the same: around 34 pounds; however, Rocket is much taller and far more athletic. His favorite thing is to play ball. He can do a standing jump of 4 feet or more and leaps to catch a ball. I’m sure he could jump the fence if he really wanted to.
We can take him for short walks with no leash. He always stays near and comes quickly when he is called. He has a large vocabulary and responds to whole sentences, such as “Find the other ball.” or “Let Sammy get the ball.” He has pretty much gotten over chewing inappropriate items. He got a bad shock chewing through the working end of a power cord, so that cured him of cord chewing. Even so he will occasionally chew the end of a book or piece of mail and he cannot seem to resist getting into the garbage if he smells something good.
When he is scolded, he rolls onto his back and tries to look cute. Once when he got into my knitting I burst into tears. He was very sad that he made Mommy cry and since then has never touched any of my yarn or knitting bags. He and Sammy adore each other and hate to be separated. They play together all day long and share everything, even food.
Unlike Sammy, he loves to cuddle and sleep or watch TV curled right next to us. He is somewhat reserved about making friends with strangers or other dogs, just the opposite of Sammy. He would make a good watch dog. He is so smart, he could be easily trained to be a service dog. If I were physically able I would love to take him to agility training. He loves music and if I am dancing he likes to dance with me.
He enjoys going to see his groomer, Melissa at Dee’s Dog Grooming. They say he is the most handsome Goldendoodle they have ever seen. I could go on for pages about him, but I think you get the idea. We love Rocket and look forward to many years of his companionship. He has made a perfect addition to our family.
Angelina and Bill Malloy
Spokane, Washington
More Pics of Rocket:
Riley —-From Paddy and Chester
Hi Arika,
We just wanted to let you know how adorable Riley is. From the moment we picked her up, we fell in love with her. She is cuddly and spunky and really smart! She plays with everyone, no matter how big or small, and is always gentle. When my kids have friends over she is always the center of attention and loves it. People are constantly stopping us to find out what kind of puppy Riley is. Everyone tells us that she is the cutest thing they have ever seen! It was wonderful working with you. You answered all of our questions and the weekly pictures were awesome. You made us feel comfortable with shipping Riley from so far away.
The Levitz Family
More pics of Riley: